I was telling a friend that one of my plans for my week of spring vacation was to spend a day changing the fork oil in my BMW and Honda CBR Endurance racer. They are GOOD, have low stiction, wide temperature range (decent VI too), and the viscosities can be depended upon.

It is readily available from motorcycle shops. Yamaha - YP 250 Motorcycle 10W-40/ 20W-50 Motorcycle Fork Oil Motorcycle 10W-40 Yamaha - YP 500 Motorcycle 10W-40/ 20W-50 Motorcycle Fork Oil Check your instruction manual or service book for more information, specifications and volumes. Different manufacturers use different grade oils for the very reason as the load varies. REVENOL Fork Oil is fully synthetic based on ester oil that is specially designed for motorcycle, UTV, ATV, snowmobile. My bike (P200NS) requires a fork oil of SAE 10W20 Grade, that means the oil should have a viscosity of 5.6 – 9.3 cSt at 100 Deg. The lower this number the thinner the oil will be at colder temperatures. 0000001411 00000 n Hydraulic Fluids for any type of telescopic Forks. It provides high-performance forks and shock. Dives more … We found out, using our 2020 250EXC project bike. Have a read of this fork oil wiki for more info.