For that reason, I know my times tables gives them what they're looking for: terrific games and rhymes for each of the times tables! Games are a brilliant way to learn (and we've included the boards too) – they keep children interested, motivated and best of all, they want to learn because they want to play them. Multiplying by zero: The zero property Highlight to your class that adding zero to a number has no effect on its identity: n + 0 n Next, explain that in multiplication, any number multiplied by zero is also zero: n x 0 0 Encourage students to discover examples of the zero property in the room. Loads of us struggle to remember times tables no matter how old we are, but the tips, rhymes and strategies in Matt and Bernadette's book are a huge help towards helping your child memorise and understand the numbers and rules.Ĭhildren learn best when they are engaged and enjoying the activity they are doing. By using the great techniques in this ebBook, within 30 days your child will not only know their times tables but will be SINGING them! I know my times tables has been developed exclusively for TheSchoolRun by deputy headteacher, Matt Revill, and writer of musicals and author, Bernadette Strachan.Įvery child (and parent) should master the times tables and know them off by heart.