This 12V automotive battery charger has built-in safety features such as reverse polarity alert, thermal protection shutoff and a self-resetting circuit breaker. any shape or form without the express written consent of Harbor Freight Tools. When changing the battery, always check the polarity. That means that if you click a link and then make purchase, we may receive a small compensation at no extra cost to you. Unplug the charger from the power outlet and remove the batteries. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. It is essential to bear in mind that batteries include damaging and extremely corrosive acid, which can cause damage to your eyes, skin, and clothes if they enter into contact with it.

The CHARGE lamp may flash fast (multiple times a second) or slow (around 1.5 second intervals), depending on the cause. The process includes cleaning up the battery terminals, removing any corrosion, re-calibrating the battery if required, testing the battery for performance and after that setting up the new cells in place of the old ones.

TD22-12 for 22% longer run time and 50% longer. Generally speaking, though, most 4 in 1 jump starters will take about 2-3 hours to charge. This will lower the modifications of breathing in harmful fumes. It was obviously out of charge, but when I plugged it in to charge, nothing happened.